Designed with solo beauty pros like you in mind

We have spent countless hours with solo beauty pros to create just the right set of tools

Trusted by beauty pros like you

Veerlon is trusted by solo beauty pros who don't want to become tech savvy but know the need to use the right set of tools. For us, it’s not just about performing a task but it’s about doing it quickly, easily and even automatically.

You get a real website

With Veerlon, you get a real website optimized for clients to book appointments with the right elements in the right order and you don't even need to know what they are, it will be intelligently done for you!.

100% Responsive

We go wherever your customers go

Researches show that 90% of the time someone visits your site, they will be using their mobile device. With Veerlon, your site is 100% mobile ready, making it easy for your customers to buy products from your online store, book appointment with you or simply contact you.

Rachel “Choosing Veerlon has been a tremendous blessing to me and helps me run my beauty business with ease!”
- Rachel
100% Responsive

Help at every step

Find help in every section of Veerlon with our chat support

Questions get answered

If you aren't sure about what to do next ask for advise, we are here to help

Direct Training

We are constantly working on new webnars and videos to train you to be efficient. Our goal is not only to help you use our platform but also to generate more business.

Constant moving forward with your feedback

Tell us what you like and what you need and we will keep working to make Veerlon the most useful tool for your business.